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Paper Aircraft Models - Paper Aircraft Models

High Detailed

Paper Aircraft Models

share the joy of paper modeling

welcome to paper aircraft models

The art of building scale models out of card stock or paper is hundreds of years old, and was and still is enjoyed by people around the world. It is an inexpensive, relaxing and very creative hobby. If you like to work with your hands and want to create 3D models out of flat sheets of paper, this hobby is for you. Every model offered here is a high quality, 1/32 scale, exact replica of a real aircraft. There are models designed for modelers of every ability level.

All you need is good pair of scissors, card stock, good glue, a computer printer, and patience. Models are offered in digital form as PDF files which can be printed on most standard computer printers. Each model kit contains detailed illustrated instruction and pages with model parts.

Simply print out the model, cut out the parts, closely follow the instructions and let the fun begins. If you make a mistake, no problem. Just print it out again.

We are here to share the joy of paper modeling with others, not to make money. The costs of the aircraft cover operation costs. We know we cannot prevent you from giving away or uploading these files. However, we kindly ask you to not disperse the model PDF's.


Aeronautics was neither an industry nor a science. It was a miracle.


  • Massachusetts

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